Voluntary commitments

Sustainable development partnerships

The companies of Corticeira Amorim belong to several national and international initiatives and associations and take an active part in meetings on sustainable development in the geographic regions where it operates.

Many of the Company's representatives are part of these initiatives or associations, in order to guarantee a significant and proactive impact on them.

Forest 2030: United for the future of forests and the territory

Corticeira Amorim has signed the Forest 2030 commitment. Joining forces with 24 other organizations, entities and companies, we have committed to contribute actively and positively, within the next decade, to protect the Portuguese forest and its ecosystems.

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Manifest Towards COP27

Signed by 80 Portuguese companies, it presents six priority lines of action for an important contribution to a fairer and carbon-free global economy.

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Porto Climate Pact

Corticeira Amorim has subscribed to the Porto Climate Pact, thereby joining forces with various partners who are equally committed to making Porto a leading city in terms of carbon neutrality.

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A business association in the cork industry that represents, promotes, publishes and researches the Portuguese cork industry.

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50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders

Promoted by the TBD Media Group, the initiative brings together a wide range of organisations that are leading in the fight against climate change globally. The project aims to promote the exchange of ideas on how to achieve greater sustainability, by focusing on recent technological solutions, favouring ground-breaking innovation and fostering socially responsible leadership.

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BCSD Portugal

Business association, with the broadest sectorial representation in Portugal, which is part of the WBCSD - World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the largest international organisation working in the field of ​​sustainable development.

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Smart Waste Portugal

Non-profit association that aims to contribute to the production and dissemination of knowledge in the area of smart waste; streamlining actions that value cooperation between entities operating in the field of waste; promote and support the activities and projects of its members that contribute to the pursuit of the association’s goals.

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Centro Habitat

Set of companies, municipalities, research and development centres, business associations and other entities that view sustainability as a means of fostering innovation and competitiveness.

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Instituto de Ciência e Inovação para a bio-sustentabilidade

Research unit of the University of Minho, dedicated to the sustainability of the built and natural environment.

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Act4nature Portugal

Business initiative promoted by BCSD Portugal in which participating companies assume common and individual commitments for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

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Charter of Principles of the BCSD Portugal

Initiative promoted by BCSD Portugal that establishes the fundamental sustainability commitments that the subscribing companies voluntarily adopt for themselves, that seek to increase their value chain, within the sphere of their influence.

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The Porto Protocol

International foundation, that has hundreds of members, spread across the wine value chain and around the world, whose mission is to build a network of agents of change and viable solutions, in order to ensure that the wine industry's response to the climate emergency is faster and more collaborative and robust.

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UN Global Compact

Part of the Global Compact International network, its work is to share knowledge and methodologies between projects, programs and tools, in order to contribute to the deepening of the implementation of the Ten Principles and to create opportunities for intersectoral initiatives to develop in action, defense and dissemination of the United Nations goals.

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Sustainable Wine Roundtable

Global and independent coalition that aims to establish a universal sustainability standard for wine.

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BRP – Business Roundtable Portugal

With representation of the largest Portuguese business groups, it has a single purpose: to accelerate the country's economic and social growth to ensure a fairer, more prosperous and more sustainable Portugal.

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