Value chain

Responsible production and consumption

Corticeira Amorim gives preference, whenever possible, to suppliers which supply raw materials while upholding good practices in terms of sustainability and social and environmental concerns, both with regard to the materials’ origin and exploration processes. In addition, the company seeks to cooperate with suppliers in accordance with its own values of ethics and conduct, thereby reinforcing Corticeira Amorim's responsible behaviour throughout the value chain.

Corticeira Amorim has a vertical business model that integrates all stages of production, from the purchase of raw materials to the sale of a very varied portfolio of cork products.

Corticeira Amorim intends to know in detail the behavior and practices of suppliers, preferentially selecting those that offer the best negotiation conditions and share the Company's principles and commitments, described in the Code of Business Ethics and Professional Conduct

Corticeira Amorim has a defined purchasing policy in which it undertakes to:

  • Act in full compliance with the legislation and regulations in force in the regions where it operates, as well as providing the authorities with all the collaboration within its reach;
  • Relate with suppliers of goods and services in an ethical and legal manner, selecting only suppliers whose employment practices respect human dignity, do not violate the law or jeopardize the Organization's reputation;
  • Keep supplier selection criteria – technical, economic and ethical – clear, impartial and predetermined;
  • Promote compliance by suppliers with safety standards and practices and labor legislation in force;
  • Monitoring the ethical conduct of suppliers and adopting measures in cases where it is incompatible with the principles established in the Code of Business Ethics and Professional Conduct;
  • Exercise careful control of its suppliers, subcontractors and service providers and if it detects that they use any form of forced labor, performed under threat or coercion, the supplier, subcontractor or service provider Service shall immediately terminate any relationship with it;
  • Do not agree with such practices by third parties who provide you with products or services, who will have to respect the minimum age limit established in the legislation of each of the countries where they operate and, regardless of that country's legislation, never accept the work minors under the age of 16;
  • Promote compliance with the CE Liège Cork Stopper Code of Practice and forest certification and maintain a close relationship with cork producers;

 Taking every measure to avoid any corruption actions in its proceadures, in both buying and selling operations.

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