Climate change

-73tCO2 / 1t of cork

It is widely recognised that climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today, and there is an urgent need to adapt strategies and measures to mitigate the short-term impacts on business, the environment and society in general.


As in any other industrial activity, the cork transformation processes have environmental impacts. In order to minimise this impact, in line with its sustainable management principles and practices, Corticeira Amorim established its environmental declaration and commitment in 2013, which is common to all Business Units (BUs):

  • Ensure compliance with legal requirements, as well as other requirements that the organisation has subscribed to, applicable to the environmental aspects of all its activities, products and services;
  • Control significant environmental aspects, contributing to the prevention of pollution;
  • Assume a proactive attitude, identifying, evaluating and implementing the appropriate preventive measures to minimise the specific environmental impacts of each activity, using, whenever feasible, the best available practices and technologies.
Over the course of its life, the cork oak tree becomes a huge storehouse of CO2, thereby serving as a barrier to climate change.

How it's made

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