Marking a long history that deserves to be honoured, regardless of the particularly difficult and unusual circumstances in which the company is currently operating.
Throughout this year, Corticeira Amorim has once again shown a commitment, dedication and special resilience that has enabled the company to perform remarkably amid all the demands and restraints of the current situation. It has been a difficult year of arduous challenges, but also, from the very beginning, a year marked by a strong determination to fulfil the company’s enormous responsibility to the supply chains it services, particularly in the wine sector, by doing everything possible to maintain production and continue serving its customers.
And this year, as in every one of previous 149 years, our employees made the difference. Their response during the Covid-19 pandemic has been exceptional, ensuring, even during the most difficult times, normal levels of business and customer support. Their attitude, initiative and perseverance have characterised the past and the present of the company, and will certainly characterise its future.
In celebrating these 150 years, the Board of Directors decided to award the employees of the Corticeira Amorim Group an extraordinary bonus in the form of a fixed sum, regardless of the duties they perform. In doing this, the Board wishes to express its heartfelt thanks to the Group’s employees and its sincere recognition of all they contribute to building the success of the company on a daily basis.